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Our IV Drips

Add-In Medications

  • Glutathione – Powerful antioxidant
  • Vitamin B12 – Aids in an energy boost
  • Toradol – Anti Inflammatory pain reliever
  • Benadryl – Antihistamine for allergies and allergic reactions
  • Pepcid – Antacid to reduce stomach acid relating to heartburn and reflux
  • Medications for Anti-nausea

Additional bag of Saline (1000cc)

Purely Saline


Purely Saline is our basic treatment for dehydration. It quickly rehydrates your body on a cellular level and replenishes essential minerals and electrolytes. Improves blood supply to vital organs while purifying your body from daily chemicals you are exposed to.

  • HELPS TARGET: General illness, body pains, muscle cramps, fatigue, and more
  • KEY MEDICINES: IV Fluids + Custom IV

Cold & Flu


Cold & Flu IV Drip helps provide soothing relief from the typical symptoms of Cold and Flu. Are you struck down by a common cold or down with a stuffy and runny nose? Snap out of the fever and get back to your best health with our tested and trusted in-home IV Hydration Therapy for Cold & Flu.

  • HELPS TARGET: Seasonal cold, flu, body aches, fever, fatigue, sore throat, and sinus pressure
  • KEY MEDICINES: IV Fluids, Vitamin C, Zinc Sulfate, and Lysine

Hangover Cure


The Hangover Cure IV Drip is fast-acting and can help provide a quick rescue from most hangover symptoms within minutes. An excellent blend of medications, IV fluids, and electrolytes required to replenish lost fluids from your body and promote quick relief after a hangover.

  • HELPS TARGET: Intense headache, dehydration, fatigue, nausea, dizziness, vomiting, and more
  • KEY MEDICINES: IV Fluids, Magnesium Chloride, Vitamin B-Complex, Vitamin B12, and Vitamin C

Athletic Boost


This hydration therapy for athletes helps to bring out the best of your athletic ability and complements your training routine. With a boost of specialized electrolyte-filled fluids and vitamins to supercharge your performance, the Athletic Boost IV will give you an edge and increase your muscle endurance.

  • HELPS TARGET: athletic performance, endurance, stamina, muscle strength and hydration.
  • KEY MEDICINES: IV Fluids, Vitamin B12, Vitamin B-Complex, and Tri-Amino Acids

Myers Cocktail


Support your immune system, replenish lost nutrients and reinvigorate your body, with a blend of IV hydration fluids, essential vitamins, and more in the Myers’ Cocktail IV drip.

  • HELPS TARGET: Illness, injury, surgery recovery, seasonal allergies, digestion issues, and more
  • KEY MEDICINES: IV Fluids, Vitamin C, Zinc Sulfate, Magnesium Chloride, Vitamin B12, Vitamin B-Complex, and Glutathione

Migraine Relief


The Migraine Relief IV helps to rapidly alleviate the symptoms of migraine and headache. This Migraine Relief IV contains IV fluids, vitamins, electrolytes, in addition to anti-inflammatory and nausea add-ons that can effectively remedy chronic headaches and migraines.

  • HELPS TARGET: Migraine, headaches & nausea, body pains
  • KEY MEDICINES: IV Fluids, Magnesium Chloride, Benadryl, and Toradol

COVID Recovery


Guard and strengthen your immune system with COVID Recovery IV Therapy from Pure IV Hydration that includes a combination of immune-enhancing vitamins, antioxidants, and electrolytes to help fight infections and virus such as COVID

  • HELPS TARGET: COVID tiredness, fatigue, and body aches
  • KEY MEDICINES: IV Fluids, high dose of Vitamin C, Zinc Sulfate, Glutathione, Magnesium Chloride, Vitamin B-Complex, and an intramuscular shot of Vitamin D3

Mega Myers


The Mega Myers, like the Myers Cocktail, treats the same elements, but to the extreme. The Mega Myers formulation has a MEGAdose of Vitamin C (6,000mg) and Glutathione (1,000mg) leaving you with the most potent formulation for maximum effectiveness.

  • HELPS TARGET: Treats virtually every element and increases immune response times. Also has the benefit of treating PMS symptoms. This is our most potent formulation.
  • KEY MEDICINES: IV Fluids, Vitamin B Complex, Mega dose of Vitamin B12, Mega dose of Vitamin C, Mega dose of Glutathione, Zinc Sulfate, Magnesium Chloride, and Tri-Amino Acids

NAD+ Infusion
$150 – $900


The NAD+ IV Therapy for Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NAD+) provides a wide-range of support and benefits like improved health, auto-immune disease, anti-aging, and a vast amount more. For example, treatment of metabolic function and brain restoring benefit to help you look, feel and be your best at any age. This seemingly limitless, natural occurring compound has far-reaching potential. NAD+ IV therapy continues to excite scientists and inspire physicians with new discoveries backed by scientific data and daily living examples.

  • HELPS TARGET: Aging, brain function, metabolism & mental clarity and function
  • KEY MEDICINES: IV fluids and NAD+ (Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide). 250mg of NAD+, 500mg of NAD+, 750mg of NAD+, or 1,000mg of NAD+

Frequently Asked Questions

What can an IV do for me?

Mobile IV therapy is the fastest way to deliver vital fluids, electrolytes, medications, and vitamins to the body, to restore optimum hydration and support the immune system. IV fluid is absorbed directly into the bloodstream with 100% efficiency compared with approximately 40-50% when consumed orally. Thus it promotes faster recovery. An IV drip usually takes just 30-45 minutes and its effects are felt almost immediately. This is why IV hydration treatments are indispensable in hospitals and emergency care centers. We’re making this essential service available to you in your home, hotel, or private office with our mobile IV nurses, restoring your wellness and vitality as quickly and comfortably as possible.

  • Rehydrate with important fluids and electrolytes
    •  Reinforce your body’s immune system for battle.
  • Replenish essential vitamins and minerals
    • This healthy balance rebuilds, to ensure optimal function of your body
  • Restore nutrients to improve well-being and recover from setbacks
    • You’ll increase your natural energy levels, and feel re-energized
  • Rapid effects as treatments are delivered directly into your bloodstream
    • Most treatments are administered between 30 minutes and 45 minutes
  • Relax as you feel better in your own space.
    • We come to you, whether at home, work, or at play
    • Or Remove yourself from your environment and unwind at our sanctuary
  • Realize the Health Benefits of direct absorption of fluids, vitamins, & minerals
    • Intravenous administration ensures 100% absorption into your blood.
  • Reinvent the way you thought you knew how to get reinvigorated.
    • Hydration therapy with Pure IV Hydration is your answer
How often should I get an IV?

There are many things to consider when developing an IV therapy treatment plan, so how often you should undergo IV hydration will vary from person to person. When you first begin treatment, you may need to schedule weekly mobile IV therapy sessions with our nurses. If you have a chronic health condition that affects your immune system, you may decide to maintain this schedule.

However, most people will benefit from vitamin IV therapies spaced about two weeks apart once their nutrient levels become stabilized. This is because you should expect your nutrient levels to remain elevated between two to three weeks after each treatment. Some patients choose to schedule infusion therapy sessions monthly once they have achieved their desired results, and others only seek treatment when they experience symptoms.

Because your treatment plan will be customized for you as an individual, it is difficult to put a schedule on hydration treatments. Talk to one of our IV Nurses about what is best to achieve and maintain the results you are looking for.

When an IV just isn't enough.


Telehealth by Novellus Health visits are virtual office visits that let you video chat with a Novellus Health provider from the comfort of your home or wherever you are with internet access! If you’re out of town, stuck at work, or too sick to get out of bed, you don’t need to go to an expensive emergency room or visit with a physician who doesn’t have access to your health records. With a telehealth visit from Novellus Health, you can video chat with one of our providers through a video call. A provider can diagnose conditions and prescribe medications from this visit with you.